Project Details
As one of the prosperous states in Malaysia, Selangor is quickly encountering urbanization. Because of populace and financial development, the state produces among the most noteworthy homegrown waste per capita in the country. Having designed clean landfill alone would not have the option to adapt to future interest and waste age.
Thus, WHB has started a Waste-to-Energy (WTE) plant advancement venture to be executed inside the area of one of its sterile landfills. The improvement of WTE plant at Jeram Sanitary Landfill will be essential for the Integrated Solid Waste Management Center (ISWMC) which additionally consolidate Composting Plant, Material Recovery Facility (MRF) for Construction and Demolition (C&D) squander, Anaerobic Digester (AD) just as Research and Development (R&D) focus.
The first of WTE plant at Jeram Sanitary Landfill will be completed by end of 2025 which will be followed intently by another WTE plant, a couple of years after the fact.
The two plants will be furnished with air contamination control advancements, for example, SNCR (Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction), Activated Carbon Injection, Bag Filter, Semi-dry and Dry Spray Tower for expulsion of poisons, for example, pipe gas, hefty metals, dioxin, and furan. Additionally, outfitted with “Constant LCD Screen” air quality checking, the gas emanation alleviation measures are agreeing to EU2000/76/EC